Our Wellness Offerings

During this Pandemic


Preventive Healthcare

At Questt, our primary focus is on promoting preventive healthcare/wellness in the society.

Managing the Disease

We deeply believe in the ancient knowledge of Ayurveda in order to provide the best curative products.

Manage After-Effects

We promote the significance of wellness, it's important to understand how it's linked to health.
Prevent the disease with

Tab. IraVati

Andrographis panniculata is one of the herbs in this formulation; the herb which is widely researched all over the world for its antiviral and anti-inflammatory activities. Few studies have shown this herb to be a potent ACE-2 receptor blocker (entry-point of Corona virus), thereby inhibiting Corona virus entry in the body! We recommend 1 tablet of Tab. IraVati a day for keeping infections at bay. With increase of dose, this can be used for better management of the disease too. Many people have relied on Tablet IraVati for staying away from infection. The unique combination of Tablet IraVati helps in maintaining the balance between Sheeta-Ushna, Guru-Laghu and other characteristics in the body. Vasa (Adhatoda vasica) is used in the treatment of asthma, bronchitis, Pippali (Piper longum) is a Rasayana (rejuvenative) drug for respiratory system, Nimba (Azhadiracta indica) has anti-viral properties. Overall, tab IraVati comes very handy in keeping the sickness away.
Manage the disease with

Tab. CoReach

This is a unique combination of bitter plants that not only ‘reaches the target but acts too! Cell-line studies done in RCB, an ICMR institute for assessing Corona virus inhibiting activity of CoReach have shown encouraging results. Few case studies have shown an average of 98% decline in Corona virus count (viral load) in average just 3 days! We recommend Tab. CoReach in ongoing infection for early recuperation and for rapid relief from symptoms with non-compromised safety. Clinical trial conducted in Covid patients revealed results favorable to Tab. CoReach. Around 60% patients who repeated test were negative on day 6 of enrolment and who started with CoReach. No single case who received CoReach had progression of disease. All the patients receiving Tab. CoReach recovered early (2 days of early recovery). There were no drug side effects / adverse drug reactions noted. In summary, Tab. CoReach was proved to be safe and effective in managing mild to moderate Covid patients. More than 10,000 patients have trusted CoReach for getting better quickly. This has given us more confidence in serving to health of people.
Tackle with the ‘after-effects’ with

Tab. CoReclaim

Once you are cured from infection, it might take considerable time to resume to your pre-infection or normal state. Various medicinal herbs of CoReclaim help you restore your strength: both, physical and mental. Claim healthy milieu in your body systems with Tab. CoReclaim. This drug has helped many patients in regaining their health after they are recovered from the infection. There are few reports of blood sugar rise after infection. CoReclaim has helped them bringing back the blood sugar to normal levels. CoReclaim fights fatigue and respiratory symptoms. Herbs like Brahmi, Vacha in CoReclaim helps in fighting memory concerns and in inducing sound sleep.
Live each day with a better immunity profile!

Tab. ImmuNeat

The contents in Tab. ImmuNeat are well-researched for various bacterial, viral and fungal infections. One tablet a day would help you keep the infections away! The formulation is designed in such a way that your blood sugar would also be controlled in a better manner with your ongoing oral hypoglycemic agents.
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Let's fight covid together

Tips to wash your hands


Soap on Hand


Palm to Palm


Between Fingers


Back of The Hands


Clean with Water


Use Towel to Dry